
Saham Digital Marketing

Dear Customer, We are pleased that you are interested in data protection. We would like to give you an easily understandable overview of our data protection process. Our goal is to provide you with an amazing and protected customer experience that also means that you can always trust us, that we are always transparent and honest to you. Your trust in our product is the reason why we can provide you with an amazing customer experience. We would like to thank you for this cooperation.

While visiting our website, registering or placing orders, you agree to this privacy policy. As data controllers, we determine how we process your personal data, for what purposes and by what means. While we are required by law to provide you with all of the following information, we do so primarily out of the belief that a partnership should always be honest. As data controllers, we are responsible that all our processing activities are in accordance with legal requirements. If you have any questions about data protection at Hungerstation, you can contact our data protection team at any time by sending an email to We will continue to be your point of contact if you have any questions about data protection.

Privacy Policy


We reserve the right to update this privacy policy in compliance with the statutory provisions. We will inform you of any significant changes, such as changes of purpose or new purposes of processing. In this case, we will not process your personal data unless having your consent on the modifications.


As a customer you have the choice which information you would like to share with us. Of course we need some information for the fulfillment of our contract. However, this does not always require all the data which you can make available to us.

Right to review privacy policy

You have the right to view and consent the personal data privacy policy before processing your personal data.

Right to access

You have the right to be informed which data we store and process about you.

Right of complaint

If you believe that we have done something wrong with your personal data or your rights, you can raise a complaint at any time by sending an email to .


In order to make the visit of our website/app attractive and to enable the use of certain functions, we use so-called cookies on various pages. These are small text files that are stored on your browser. Some of the cookies we use are deleted after the end of the browser session, i.e. after closing your browser. Other cookies remain on your browser and allow us or our affiliate to recognize your browser on your next visit (persistent cookies). You can set your browser so that you are informed about the setting of cookies and individually decide on their acceptance or exclude the acceptance of cookies for specific cases or in general. Failure to accept cookies may limit the functionality of our website/app



We process your personal data only in accordance with the strict legal requirements. We pay particular attention to the fact that all principles for the processing of personal data are taken into account. Hungerstation pays great attention to transparency. Therefore, we only process your data if this is lawful and you can reasonably expect it to be processed. If, in the course of our evaluation, we come to the conclusion that the processing cannot reasonably be expected, we will only carry out the processing with your express consent. In the following description of our processing activities, we refer in each case to categories of personal data. A category includes several personal data, which are usually processed together for the purposes. Personal data is information that can identify you or even make you identifiable. We generally process the following categories of personal data for the following reasons:

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